4nf.org was founded in 2005, initially for different purposes.
Now, it is vastly dedicated to the most successful plugin: “Ajaxify”.
About the main author, Arvind Gupta:
– email: arvgta@gmail.com
– phone: +49-89-704679
– address: Rolf-Pinegger-Str. 30, 80689 Munich
My main interests are JavaScript, HTML, PHP, SQL and WordPress.
In the near future, I intend to spend most of my time to the forth-development of the plugin…
This was my first publication, which was very successful and ultimately taken over by Nokia.
Google Maps Test
Hi, I cannot to download the jQuery History API? Thanks.
Hi Alan,
what are you trying to do? It sounds like you’re looking for a very old version of Ajaxify?
Please I have googled videos on how to ajaxify but cant seem to find any… Please do consider making tutorial videos on ajaxify… It will go a long way
Hi Joshua,
Thanks for the interesting idea!
Looks like you live in Munich? Does that mean you speak german? That would make it easier for me to explain some problems or ask several questions about ajaxify, due that is my first language.
Hi Kev,
yes, you can contact me at: arvgta@gmail.com
is there a demo example showing how the installation and customisation of the .ajaxify(); works? it seems to be on hover of links .
the old plugin I use also called “ajaxify” is set to work on <A links. So if a link has class .ajaxify then on click it loads the content of the href request into the main content area via ajax. you can also call actions onStart, onError, onSuccess.
e.g. you could load a page into the main cell, then on success update the menu item to have a selected CSS class to highlight it in the menu.
Hi Tony,
https://4nf.org/interface/ -> “Example calls”
That page shows various example calls and example websites, that use this plugin.
Also, 4nf.org serves as an example, that is a fairly complex WordPress site.
By default “previewoff” is true, so that swaps of the content div(s) are performed on click.
This plugin ajaxifies all links, unlike the old plugin you’re describing.
There is a class “.no-ajaxy” by default that prevents selected links to be ajaxified.
As far as events are concerned, the Pronto events as described on https://4nf.org/pronto/ are fired.
Thanks for the link to the “LiveQuery” plugin, which seems to be abandoned / very old and not maintained.
Is there a successor?
Ideally, both plugins – mine and the “LiveQuery” one could be used together, avoiding the re-invention of the wheel.
Instead of copying the functionality of such a plugin, I was thinking of providing some basic page-transitions built-in next.
What do others think?
e.g. jQuery Mobile sort of has support for such page transitions…
What would be the ideal interface for providing page transitions like:
– Left to right
– Right to left
– Top to bottom
– Bottom to top
– Fade in
– Fade out
please see comments of Sahar: https://4nf.org/new-features-of-ajaxify-plugin/#comments
Thanks and
Kind regards
is this a new plugin?
I have sites that use an ajazify plugin that utilises ajaxify/livequery and history components to make ansynchronus ajax calls with auto-binding and history – but the plugins are no longer maintained and are from like 2006.
So is this plugin seperate to that and would it be a better alternative?
Hi Tony,
thanks for your interest in the plugin and the enquiry!
Yes, it’s fairly new, uses a variant of the popular “Pronto” plugin as a backbone and builds up on that.
At the core is the HTML5 History API, which Pronto encapsulates nicely.
There are additional features such as the memory and turbo effect, delta-loading and more.
What’s the “auto-binding” feature you’re mentioning? Sounds interesting.
If you feel it’s lacking in this plugin, just let me know and I’ll raise an issue at GitHub, or if very simple, implement it straight away…
Greetings, Arvind.
ah – I may have described that incorrectly – i just meant using the old livequery plugin (around the old ajaxify one) which – “utilizes the power of jQuery selectors by firing callbacks for matched elements auto-magically, even after the page has been loaded and the DOM updated”
i’m guessing your plugin must handle that as well.
I may try it as an alternative to the plugins I have and see how it performs.
Hi Tony, I must admit – don’t know what you mean?
as in events will be binded even when the elements are added later via ajax – https://github.com/brandonaaron/livequery/blob/master/README.markdown
the web site http://www.radioteverepopolare.com use history.js and more more fast load web page.
Thanks, good work!
Thanks for procuring the plugin – that’s wonderful. Great website and I love the music, which keeps on playing across ajaxified clicks.
Great stuff!
Greetings from Munich
Exactly! My target was just to implement this functionality (keeps on playing across ajaxified clicks)….:)
Greeting from Rome.
Defferent web. Thease bird are too angry on me. Page loading is super
Hi Hearaman,
thanks! Maybe there is a way to tweak the birds’ parameters…