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New features of Ajaxify plugin

The latest version of Ajaxify, has new and exciting features:

Only the most important are highlighted here:

  • Greatly accelerated page loads
  • Option “inline” to steer whether all inline scripts should be re-fired
  • Class “ajaxy” to specify inline scripts that should be re-fired each time
  • Option “inlinehints” to specify inline scripts that should be re-fired each time
  • Minimized number of initial GET requests
  • Pronto variant and main file now fusioned into one sleak minified JS

Please drop us a comment what you think!

9 thoughts on “New features of Ajaxify plugin”

  1. Hi Sahar!

    I’m glad you agree that Djax lacks features, that this plugin offers…

    I would suggest you try out this plugin, and see whether the features you need are not included already.

    Try binding the jQuery bits to the “pronto.render” event…
    There’s a fair chance that it’ll work.

    You can also employ a “requestDelay”, if transitions are too rapid.

    If that doesn’t work, maybe you could suggest how to extend the plugin…

    As far as an example is concerned, this whole site is a fairly complex WordPress site and it works in conjunction with the plugin.

    What were you thinking of? An example of a simpler page that is more geared towards Ajax?

    Regards, Arvind.

  2. Hi Arvind.
    I came across your awesome plugin and than this site as i was looking for another plugin (which is weirdly also named ajaxify. mean the Balupton’s plugin that rose upon the history.js project).
    I personally actually never used history.js but Djax which seems to be somehow similar to your plugin.
    Your plugin sounds more subtile ( with all that delta loading, turbo option and other cool stuff).
    May i suggest something? well i do.
    Could you add a demo directory to your Plugin package? I downloaded your plugin via Github and there are no example files in that. All the good Plugins provide a kind of demo or example directory. So a developer can see a working example and a basic structure to play around with.
    I have also a question.
    I develope themes and design websites on different platforms (wp and newly Koken).
    From my point of view when i want to choose the tools and plugins to work with, beside performance and functionality the most important aspects are the layout and design freedom.
    With your plugin i can load fragments of external documents of my website into a page. It affects the url structure, page loading and the page-loading-transition. Right? The last point is very interesting to me. Does your plugin allow me to create transitions and animation for page loading through css and Jquery (or maybe both)? If yes, could you please give me a hint how i could achieve that? In Djax there was room for this kind of design.
    Thank you again that you share your great work with us

    1. Hi Sahar,

      thanks for your interest in the plugin and glad you like it.
      I googled “Djax” and couldn’t find it? Do you have a link?
      I’m always interested in finding new features…

      Regarding your main question, the page transitions – have a look at this site, and the way the guy has procured the plugin: – yes it’s possible, especially using the Pronto events and requestDelay for allowing time for the transitions.

      There might be more example sites on this page in future: (which I might split into an “Examples” page)

      Kind regards, Arvind.

      1. Thank you for the quick response.
        Here you’ll find the documentation:
        on Github:
        Take a look under the hood of this theme, here you see it in action:
        But what i meant with page-transitions is far more delicate than this kind of fading and sliding the ajax loaded elements.
        To have an idea take a look at this wonderful page-transitions showcasing:

        1. Hi Sahar!

          I had a look at the material. The showcases are very impressive and involve some jQuery that can probably be hooked into by this plugin e.g. on completion of the “Pronto” events. See:

          Maybe you could state, which features Djax has, that this plugin does not?

          Thanks and regards.

          1. Yes indeed, they are impressive. I’ve got them working with some additions in functions and animations.
            My problem is now the browser behavior, and that’s where the power of your plugin can come in action. If your plugin ( or more precise: if you ) could wrap around these kind of page transitions it would take the whole UX up to an absolutely new level, which would be currently something unique and only done by your plugin. I can help in that where ever possible for me.
            To your question: I guess you misunderstood me. I never said that your plugin lack some features that djax provide. Just the contrary is true. I said it seems that Ajaxify offer more than djax. But i know very little about Ajaxify and have no experience because i haven’t use it in any project yet. Besides when i compare the features of both plugins it’s just obvious that your plugin is more feature-rich & thus flexible. I’m really excited to see these kind of page transitions integrated in ajaxify.

  3. Hi! I need this plugin but I think I didn’t understand how to use it. Could somebody explain me (maybe with an example) how to use it?

    Thank you!

    1. The simplest use-case is e.g.: $(‘#content’).ajaxify();

      Tell us what you would like to do?

      Thanks and

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